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Parasites and IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In 1985, my wife was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). She had chronic intestinal cramps, went to the bathroom dozens of times a day, couldn't eat many foods, her general strength was low. We couldn't go out to dinner, a drive, a movie, or even take a walk because she would have to rush to a bathroom.

One Sunday, we were watching a show on TV produced by the World Heath Organization. They had sent a team of doctors to a village in India to see how they could address a "parasite problem". The doctors interviewed many of the locals, asking them how they worked, slept, ate, worked, etc,

In one interview, I watched a flatworm crawl across a guy's eyeball. I saw tiny pinworms bursting out of sores on a woman's leg. We saw all kinds of gross and disgusting examples of parasitic infestation on these poor people in India.

Of course, we lived in a civilized country, didn't have dirt floors, had running water, bathed daily, so we were in no danger of having their problems.

Or so we thought.

The doctors went on to explain that these symptoms were the high-end symptoms, that most people couldn't even tell if they had parasites, and that most parasitic infestations were even misdiagnosed as IBS!

In fact, most (if not all) doctors and labs had no idea how to look for parasites in a person, even with stool samples. They said it was because of two things:

1) The "medical community" generally doubted that parasites could cause much harm, and
2) When testing for parasites, they looked for the adults worms ONLY, not the eggs.

The show went on to actually list the symptoms for someone who had a parasitic infestation. As they spoke the symptoms, my wife started to cry, as ALL the symptoms fit her to a T!

Thank God that the show then went on to show how the WHO was treating parasitic infestations in the people in this village. It was with two separate herbal capsules. The first capsule killed parasites in ALL organs (kidneys, liver, stomach, heart, brain, etc), in the blood and on/in the skin and scalp.

The second capsule swept your intestines clear of the dead and dying parasites. The show went on to name the supplier of the capsules, and they were in America! I wrote down their number and called them on Monday.

They were surprised to hear from an American, as the only response they had received from any medical personnel in America was scorn and insults. I told them I had seen the WHO TV show and wanted to order their products.

The owner of the company talked to me for many hours, teaching me what the herbs did and how to use them to help my wife.

Once we received the capsules in the mail, we started on them. (If one of your family has parasites, then ALL in the family have them - so the whole family must do the cleanse at the same time, so as to not "re-infect" each other.)

Within a few days, my wife was feeling different. The first thing that got her attention was what she saw in her stool. She started to notice dead wormy things from 2" to 8" long, plus thousands of tiny "dots" (flukes) in the toilet.

Thankfully she only made me look once...

She collected as many as she could, put them in a jar and took them to the doctor that had told her "you don't have parasites, but you do have IBS". He was astounded!

Even with proof in his face, the doc refused to agree that parasites were the cause of my wife's IBS, even though it was cured!

To clean her system of parasites took us three months, which is the time frame the WHO broadcast claimed for optimum treatment.

A few years later, I wanted to do the parasite cleans again. Unfortunately, the company was either out of business or had changed their name. Either way, I couldn't find them. Sure, there were other "parasite cleanses" available on the (fledgling) internet, but nothing even came close to the ingredient list from the original parasite cleans capsules.

Over the years, we forgot about that original WHO developed parasite cleanse. Then one day, while unpacking a box I had stuffed in a closet, I found two unopened bottles of the original parasite cleanse system!

It took me two years to find a manufacturer that would formulate these capsules based on the original formula.

Finally, ULTIMATE CLEANSE #1 and ULTIMATE CLEANSE #2 are available!

What are parasites anyway?
What are some symptoms of parasitic infestation?
How did we discover this powerful formula?



Question? Email us!

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any diseases."

The above is a Government ORDERED statement.
It is NOT based in either reality or sanity.
Just like our Government.

In a landmark decision on Friday, Jan. 15, 1999, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that
the health claim rules imposed by the FDA unconstitutional and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.
The court instructed the FDA to allow the use of disclaimers on labels rather than to suppress these claims outright.
The court further held prohibiting nutrient disease relationship claims invalid under the first Amendment to the Constitution.