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Ugly little critters, aren't they? Well, they live inside YOU!

There are thousands of different types of parasites. All living creatures are infected with one type or another, living inside, or on, them.

Human intestinal parasites can cause constipation, stomach bloating, anemia, asthma, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fatigue, low immune system performance, nervousness, skin rash, psychosis.

Parasites can exist in any organ: brain, eyes, heart, lungs, intestional tract, liver, gall bladder, kidney, skin, bones - in other words, they can live anywhere in and on you.

There can be over 100 different types of parasites worms living in a human body. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms can be found everywhere in our environment, in the air we breath, in the water we drink, or in the food we eat. Most parasites require some host to complete their life cycle.

A Parasite is an organism that lives on or in other organisms from which it obtains nutrients to live. Many parasits cause no harm, but most do. The word "parasite" comes from the Greek word "para" which means beside, and "sitos", which means food.

The parasite will vary in size from one-thousandth of one micron to whale tapeworms one hundred feet long.

Parasites and worms can invade your bodies through food and water intake, through transmitting agents (like mosquitos, bedbugs, hornets, fleas, ticks, etc), sexual conduct or through the nose and skin. Once established, they will eat the same foods you eat or they will eat you.

People with intestinal parasites are usually under-nourished and weak, and exibit bacterial or viral infections. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age.

They are responsible for many health problems because they secrete toxins and steal the vital nutrients from our bodies. They can irritate or exaggerate other health problems you may be experiencing. Everyone is at risk and under their mercy during parasitic infections.

Recent studies have shown that many diseases use the parasite itself as a host, to exist inside of.
That's why antibiotics often don't work!

This is known by the "medical community", but they'd rather take your money and watch you suffer. Curing your diseases is contrary to their goals of making money off your suffering.

How To Prevent Parasites

Healthy immune system is the best defense against parasites and disease. Some of the things you can do to reduce the risk of parasitic infections are:

Wash all fruits and vegetables. Scrape off the wax substance on the outer surface on any fruit or vegetable with knife before washing. Anything with nicks or recess can harbor just about anything and should be cut out. Avoid eating grapes with open splits. Washing in bleach (add 1/2 teaspoon to each gallon and soak for 10 minutes) will kill parasites. Rinse well after to remove bleach residue. Some prefer to wash them in chlorinated water, but these things are organic in nature. Chlorine and organics do not go well together because of the carcinogenic compounds that are produced.

Thoroughly cook meats and fish. Do not eat raw, uncooked or barely cooked meats or fish. Check for worms, especially on fish. Keep all work surfaces clean.

Drink pure/filtered water. Parasites are associated with many water-borne outbreaks and are highly resistant to conventional methods of disinfecting. Water that is properly purified is free of parasites.

Practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling pets. Keep your fingernails short and clean. Parasites can live for two months under the fingernails.

Keep your living environment clean. Breathing the dust in your house can contain human skin, soil particles, or fecal material from dust mites and cockroaches. An easy test to determine if this is the problem is by looking across the room when the sunlight is shining through the window and checking for particles floating in the air. Then let the kids run around and recheck. The elimination of carpets reduces this problem considerably.

Do not walk barefoot on warm, moist soil or while working in the garden. Parasites are abundant in soil and can absorb (penetrate) through skin cells. Fertilizers are added to garden soil and its the pets favorite place to go. Use gloves and shoes for protection.

Swimming in rivers, lakes, ponds, or public swimming pools. Avoid swallowing or drinking the water while swimming anywhere. Avoid swimming if cuts or open sores are present.

If pets are infested with parasites, de-worm and keep them outside. You are at higher risk in contracting worms when pets are allowed indoors. Dogs and cats are host to many parasites that humans can contract. Garlic added to their food will help control some parasites. Animals can spread 240 diseases to humans because of parasites.

Overuse of antibiotics. Reducing the numbers of friendly bacteria in the colon allows for the proliferation of parasites.

Use more cloves with every meal. Adding some cloves to foods will help kill the eggs from parasites in the intestinal tract. Cloves added to coffee or herbal teas adds better taste.

If you want to remove parasitic infestions from your body, you MUST go at it with determination. Don't expect a few drops of some concoction for a week or so, or a few zaps from a electrical device or a few pills, to rid you of parasites.

The most powerful parasite cleanse?
INFINITY Ultimate Parasite Cleanse!

INFINITY Parasite Cleanse is the strongest parasite cleanse available over the counter. Totally organic, this formulation was devoloped and tested by the World Health Organization (in the 1980's) and found to eradicate parasitic infestations in 99% of patients!

Used in conjunction with each other,
ULTIMATE CLEANSE #1 kills the parasites, and
ULTIMATE CLEANSE #2 flushes them out of your system.


Capsules Per Container: 90

Suggested Use: As an herbal dietary supplement, take as directed by your health care professional. READ INSTRUCTIONS

Free of: sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg or shellfish

A Proprietary blend of:
Green Hull Black Walnut, Cloves, Pumpkin Seed, Gentian Root, Vitamin C, Hyssop, Black Seed, Cramp Bark, Peppermint Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Grapefruit Seed, Fennal, Flax Seed, MSM


Capsules Per Container: 90

Suggested Use: As an herbal dietary supplement, take as directed by your health care professional. READ INSTRUCTIONS

Free of: sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg or shellfish

A Proprietary blend of:
Flax Seed, Rhubarb Root, Fennel Seed, Corn Silk, King Solomon Seed, Kelp, Senna (Alexandria), MSM

Three month's supply
Complete treatment system

Three months is the complete treatment time frame.
Total treatment system includes:
3 bottles of ULTIMATE CLEANSE #1 and
4 bottles of ULTIMATE CLEANSE #2

You may use the "Add to Cart" button above,
or see the other ways to order





What are parasites anyway?
What are some symptoms of parasite infection?
How did we discover this powerful formula?


Question? Email us!

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any diseases."

The above is a Government ORDERED statement.
It is NOT based in either reality or sanity.
Just like our Government.

In a landmark decision on Friday, Jan. 15, 1999, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that
the health claim rules imposed by the FDA unconstitutional and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.
The court instructed the FDA to allow the use of disclaimers on labels rather than to suppress these claims outright.
The court further held prohibiting nutrient disease relationship claims invalid under the first Amendment to the Constitution.