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Parasites, Some Different Varieties


There are over 3000 varieties of parasites in four major categories, Protozoa, Trematoda, Cestoda and Nematoda.

Nematodes: common roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), hookworms, whipworms, pinworms, heart worms, Strongyloides, Stercoralis, Ancylostoma, caninum, toxocara worm and trichinosis. Size can vary from .2 to 35 centimeters.

Roundworms look similar to an earthworm and can produce 200,000 eggs daily. Approximately 1,008 million people are infected, making it the most common worldwide. The most frequent symptom from roundworms is upper abdominal discomfort. Other symptoms are asthma, eye pain, insomnia, and rashes due to the secretions or waste products from the worms.

Large numbers can cause blockages in the intestinal tract, hemorrhage when penetrating the intestinal wall, appendicitis, peritonitis, abscesses in the liver, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, loss of appetite, and insufficient absorption of digested foods. Adults grow to 15 inches long.

Hookworm larvae penetrate the skin. When hookworms reach adulthood, they can sap the victim's strength, vitality and overall well-being. Young worms use their teeth to burrow through the intestinal wall and feed on your blood.

Symptoms from hookworm are iron deficiency, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, craving to eat soil, protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin irritations, edema, distended abdomen, stunted growth, delayed puberty, mental dullness, cardiac failure and death. (1/2 inch long)

Pinworms can infect one in five children. Symptoms are itching and irritation of the anus or vagina, digestive disorders, insomnia, irritability or nervousness. Female worms crawl out of the anus and lay about 15,000 eggs per day. Once airborne, the eggs can survive about two days anywhere in your living environment.

Worldwide, about 500 million are infected with pinworms. The worm is white and can grow to about half inch in length.

Infections from whipworms are estimated at several hundred million worldwide. Symptoms of whipworms are bloody stools, pain in the lower abdomen, weight loss, rectal prolapse, nausea and anemia. Hemorrhage can occur when worms penetrate the intestinal wall and bacterial infections usually follow. 1 to 2 inches length.

Protozoa: the single cell parasites; amoebae, protozoa infections, neospora, Toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidium, giardia, Sarcocystis and Trichomonas vaginalis.

Amoebae are an irregular shaped microorganism that infects the end of the smaller intestine and colon. Amebiasis is the most common infection and caused by the species Entamoeba histolytica.

Amoebae also release an enzyme that causes ulcers or abscesses where they can enter the bloodstream. They can eventually reach other organs like the brain or liver. (25 micro meters in diameter)

Cryptosporidium is associated with water-borne outbreaks. The victim might experience diarrhea and abdominal pain lasting for about ten days.

Giardia is the most prevalent intestinal parasite in humans and found in drinking water. Giardia resides in the smaller intestine and at times in the gall bladder. Millions of these giardia organisms will coat the intestinal walls, prevents the absorption of nutrients and later causing illness. Symptoms are mild to moderate abdominal cramps, intestinal gas, light colored stools, bad absorption, weakness, chills, stomach bloating and diarrhea. (14 um x 10 um)

Trichomonas vaginalis are pathogens that resides in the vagina in females and the urethra, epididymis, and swelling in the prostate gland in males. In women there is some yellowish discharge accompanied by itching and burning.

Malaria, the most prevalent and debilitating disease among the protozoa type is caused by Plasmodium. About two million people die annually from Malaria.

Cestodes: (Tapeworms); bladder worms, pork tapeworms, broad fish, dog tapeworms, dwarf and rat tapeworms. Broad fish tapeworms may grow to 35 feet long and live ten years inside the persons intestines. Some tapeworms can lay as many as one million eggs per day. Their bodies are in separate segments with hooks and suction cups on their skull.

Trematodes: (Flukes); Flatworms, bladder, blood, liver, lung, kidney and intestinal flukes. Human infections of flukes (Schistosomes) are in excess of 250 million worldwide. They can cause severe disease of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, liver and destroy blood cells. Size varies from 1 to 2.5 centimeters in length (1/2 to 3 inches long).

Spirochetes are very tiny organisms that are spiral-shaped, and multiply in the blood and lymphatic system. Spirochetes (largest), Saprospira, Cristispira, Treponema (smallest), and many more. The host or carrier is usually lice, ticks, fleas, mites, and flying insects, which is then transmitted to humans. Spirochetes are responsible for relapsing fever, infectious jaundice, Lymes disease, sores, ulcers, Vincent angina and Wyles disease.


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"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any diseases."

The above is a Government ORDERED statement.
It is NOT based in either reality or sanity.
Just like our Government.

In a landmark decision on Friday, Jan. 15, 1999, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that
the health claim rules imposed by the FDA unconstitutional and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.
The court instructed the FDA to allow the use of disclaimers on labels rather than to suppress these claims outright.
The court further held prohibiting nutrient disease relationship claims invalid under the first Amendment to the Constitution.