Low Oxygen Levels and Disease
Oxygen is the source of life and energy to all cells. Body abuse through eating and drinking habits (including pollutants and toxic preservatives in our water and food), air pollution, use of drugs and lack of exercise can greatly reduce the amount of oxygen available to the cells.
When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell turns to another source of energy called fermentation. This fermentation results in an anaerobic environment which upsets the metabolism of the cell and it no longer participates in the healthy functioning of the body It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells are unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune system.
Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration.
This research is confirmed by the renowned biochemist and Nobel Prize laureate, Dr Otto Warburg. He stressed the importance of oxygen especially in its connection to cancer. Dr. Warburg summarized by saying:
"The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell respiration."
Sub-optimal oxygenation of tissues and cells seen in cellular hypoxia is not only the underlying cause of cancer but results in a predisposition towards degenerative disease and is an outstanding factor in immunodepressive illnesses: therefore it follows that oxygen will restore health................
Read more about Stabilized Oxygen here
Here are a few uses for Stabilized Oxygen
What's the best Stabilized Oxygen to buy?
Our Stabilized Oxygen comes from the inventor of "Stabilized Oxygen". The company is in Southern Idaho.
You will find other companies selling their version of this product, obviously playing "copy cat". You will even find one company trying to pass off oxygenated water (a totally different product) as "liquid stabilized oxygen" and getting as much as $1.00 an ounce!
Another guy claims to be the "inventor" of this stuff, and goes on to brag about how he's cured everything from acne to Aids (but ALL in hospitals in Africa, who have never even heard of him. - By the way: he's now in Federal jail for fraud).
Don't fall for sales hype, long winded carnival huckster claims or make-believe "cutting edge" technology claims!
Buy a PROVEN product from a PROVEN source.